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Resources for You: 5 Conversation Starters to connect with your loved one

Carolyn Meyer, MT-BC

Happy Friday, world! How are we doing?

Some words I've heard floating around include fearful, helpless and frustrated.

We are all collectively feeling these challenging emotions. One way our team at Keynote is trying to support our community these days is by providing helpful resources for self-care, connection and musical expression. Although our area of focus is on older adults and their loved ones and caregivers, we know the benefits of music for healing is profound for all.

Today, we are excited to share a few of these resources with you as to empower you to continue connecting and supporting your loved ones who may be isolated.


Have you been able to chat with your loved one via FaceTime, Skype or phone calls?

Are you struggling to keep the conversation flowing while being present and engaged?

5 Conversation Starters for connecting with the older adults in your life

1. What is something you're grateful for today?

Practicing gratitude has been shown to improve overall well-being and mental health.

2. Have you noticed any signs of spring outside your window? (Smells, sights, sounds)

Engaging the senses is important for mindfulness and relaxation (and spring is a sign of hope and growth!)

3. I've been feeling _______ lately. What have you been feeling?

Letting them know what you're experiencing is helpful for empathizing.

4. Have you noticed anyone sharing their kindness with you this week?

Noticing kindness- we could all benefit from doing that!

5. What is one activity you've really been enjoying?

If they don't have any, you could suggest reading the newspaper, writing a letter, listening to music, etc. (and these are all outlets that you can assist them in getting the tools to do!)

6. Bonus: Sing "You are My Sunshine" With them!

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

you make me happy when skies are gray

you'll never know dear how much I love you

please don't take my sunshine away


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